My Star Wars inspired terrarium 1

Star Wars Terrarium

After seeing some terrarium’s online and then some very cool Star Wars ones depicting different scenes like Luke’s downed X-Wing at Dagobah, or crashed Star Destroyers on Jakku I wanted to make one.

There is plenty of resources online on how to make a terrarium, Californian Gardens have a web resource here.

I did not want to try to replicate an actual movie scene but to take inspiration from the Star Wars universe. I created my idea about a couple of wrecked starfighters that nature was starting to reclaim.

My Star Wars inspired terrarium 1
My Star Wars inspired terrarium

I went to Briscoe’s who had a sale (I was surprised too), with 30% everything and I was able to pick up a 16cm round vase for about $15. They did have a larger one at about 21cm but since I wanted this to go on my desk at work I did not want to go to large.

Off to Oderings in Upper Hutt, I went and they were a great help in selecting a few plants to go in the vase after I said what I was trying to achieve. I am very happy with the plants that I received, the purple looks like it could come from some far away planet.

 And the finished product…

What do you guys think? I’m happy with the end product and looks good on my desk at work.

Until next time

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