This VW Off-Roader was a project my father and I worked on over many years.
The goal was to get it race-ready for ORANZ. But when I left for Uni there was no time or money to finish it. In hindsight, a completed car would have been a better option. I had lots of enjoyment working on and driving this car.
I sold it in 2013 to move on to other goals and adventures. Hopefully, one day I will be able to race one of these.
The build was based on a 1960s VW Beetle running 5 stud wheels and a 1641 cc single port motor. When we got the car, the motor ran a dual-throat Webber carburettor. The carb was replaced with a PICT-3 to comply with the ORANZ rule book for Class C off-road racing. It runs an NZKW fixed bucket seat, and external oil cooler and was built from the ground up by my Father and me.
Some Memories, Photos and Videos of the VW Off-Roader
Here is an old video from my mate Ben ripping around in the VW in the paddocks