Justins first duck 1

First Wellington Mallard

A trip over to Boggy Pond Lagoon just south of Lake Wairarapa a few weekends ago to see if I could finally get a Wellington Mallard.

The weather forecast was promising with strong South-Westerly with the odd heavy rain shower passing through.

Justin’s first duck

Justin met at my place at 5 am and we loaded the truck up and started to head over the hill. We were running a little late when we arrived but found an empty hide. As I had generously loaned my waders to Justin he had the task of putting the decoys out. With half a dozen decoys and the Mojo duck set up, we got ready in the hide.

Duck for Dinner - Thanks for the photo Justin
Duck for Dinner

Much to my amazement, we were quickly on the board as a pair come over and I dropped one of them. Being in a state of shock I forgot about the second one. That was my first Wellington Mallard after trying for a few years. A couple more came in and with 3 birds sitting in the hide, it was Justin’s turn to try to get one.

I could see a few ducks flying over the lake, and once they saw that Mojo. They were hooked on in and very committed. Justin jumped up and bang, shit missed with the first but followed up with a nice second to drop a very good-looking green head at about 25 metres.

All done and dusted by 8 am and heading home after a successful public land morning shoot.

By midday we had them all cleaned up and as the photo shows they became a lovely dinner.

Till Next Time


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